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O. Šachrai įmonė

Šeškinės g. 24 (Šeškinė), 07156 Vilnius
(+370) 52468264
30 years of activity
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(+370) 52468264
O. Šachraj
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Rekomenduojame įmonę, kurios veikla gali būti panaši
R. Gegužienės odontologijos klinika, UAB
Varpo g. 9A, 76346 Šiauliai
 (+370) 61131455

Surrounding companies | Show on map

Kosmodentas, filialas, UAB
0.6 km | Gelvonų g. 16 (Šeškinė), Vilnius
dentists dentistry dentists dentistry dental office dentistry prosthetic dentistry surgical dental treatment teeth whitening tooth extraction aesthetic filling X-ray diagnostics professional oral hygiene endodontic treatment orthodontists dentistry...
1.4 km | Šeškinės Sodų g. 12-57, Vilnius
dentists dentists in Vilnius dental implants prosthetic dentistry prosthetic dentistry dental prosthetics in Vilnius dental surgery sinus lift professional oral hygiene oral hygiene endodontic therapy endodentalist dentist's consultation treatment on hire purchase aesthetic filling aesthetic filling in Vilnius...
Videnta, UAB
1.5 km | Fabijoniškių g. 95 (Fabijoniškės), Vilnius
Nomea, odontologijos namai
1.7 km | Viršuliškių g. 38B-51, Vilnius
dentists in Vilnius dentists odontologist dental clinic in Vilnius dentistry dental implantation dental implants dental implantation bone augmentation prosthetic dentistry dentures zirconium crown dental laminates drawing up of a treatment plan therapeutic dentistry teeth repair...
Pašilaičių šeimos medicinos centras, UAB
1.8 km | Žemynos g. 2 (Pašilaičiai), Vilnius
family doctors obstetricians-gynaecologists pregnant school optician paediatricians urologists ORL dentists neurologists urologists Allergists otorhinolaryngologists echoscopy prosthetic dentistry vaccination preventive examinations...
Antėja UAB „Diagnostikos laboratorija“
1.8 km | Viršuliškių g. 65A (Viršuliškės), Vilnius
laboratory of medicine blood tests medical consultations vaccination diagnostics medical consultation vaccination general blood test till offices thyroid hormone tests tumor markers/cancer markers B sex hormones allergy tests allergen tests tick-borne encephalitis...
Sveikatos klinika, Viršuliškės
1.8 km | Viršuliškių g. 34 (Viršuliškės), Vilnius
family doctors laboratory tests ultrasonic tests echoscopy tests urgent research disease prevention children's orthopaedist paediatric gastroenterologist dentists children's physicians paediatricians obstetricians gynaecologists prenatal care urologists endocrinologists orthopedists traumatologists...
1.9 km | Pašilaičių g. 1-96 (Pašilaičiai), Vilnius
prosthetics aesthetic filling oral hygiene filling implantation treatment of periodontal diseases/periodontitis roentgen odontologist children's dentistry oral hygiene implantation
2 km | L. Giros g. 2 (Fabijoniškės), Vilnius
odontologist tooth teeth dentistry dental clinic dentist's services therapeutic dentistry surgical dentistry teeth repair consultancies of dentists aesthetic filling dental prosthetics prosthetics prosthetic services tooth extraction dental support...
Vilniaus implantologijos namai, UAB
2 km | Lvivo g. 101 (Šnipiškės), Vilnius
prosthetic dentistry dental implantation dental implants dentists dentists orthopedic physician dental clinic in Vilnius prosthetics periodont endodontic treatment endodontic therapy aesthetic filling oral hygiene laser whitening treatment of periodontal diseases/periodontitis tooth extraction...
VivaDens odontologijos ir estetikos centras, IĮ
2 km | Didlaukio g. 51-70 (Verkiai), Vilnius
aesthetic filling prosthetic dentistry laminates dental implantation dental implants dentistry endodontic therapy dental crowns tooth extraction doctor odontologist orthodontist endodentalist endodontist oral surgeon implantologist implantation...
Dantų specialistai, odontologijos klinika
2.2 km | Oršos g. 5, Vilnius
dental clinic in Vilnius emergency dental care oral surgeon dentistry children dentist children's dentistry panoramic X-ray radiograph lipoma tooth decay treatment dental filling dental implants oral hygiene dental tartars dental prosthetics in Vilnius dentures...
Kęstučio odontologijos klinika, UAB "Dentiva"
2.3 km | Kęstučio g. 47/18 (Žvėrynas), Vilnius
orthopaedic odontology endodontics periodontology/periodontics children's dentistry aesthetic filling therapeutic dentistry prosthetics professional oral hygiene teeth whitening dentists dentists in Vilnius dental prosthetics in Vilnius pediatric dentists periodontists periodontal treatment dentistry...
Šeimos odontologijos klinika, UAB
2.3 km | Gedvydžių g. 25 (Fabijoniškės), Vilnius
dentistry odontologist dentist dentists in Vilnius dentists children's dentistry aesthetic filling surgical procedures oral hygiene dental clinic dental clinic in Vilnius prosthetics teeth repair prosthetic dentistry teeth whitening dental filling...
Papadent, odontologijos klinika, UAB "Dantų gydytojas"
2.4 km | V. Gerulaičio g. 1-26 (Verkiai), Vilnius
wisdom teeth removal dental care implantation prosthetics prices implantation metal ceramic implants implants in Kaunas dental implant tooth extraction porcelain teeth instant temporary teeth teeth fractured tooth wisdom tooth removal/extraction tooth extraction...
Astravita, UAB
2.5 km | Žalgirio g. 88A (Šnipiškės), Vilnius
medical clothing medical footwear dental materials veterinary dentistry dental instruments Dental equipment toothpastes disinfection dental supplies medical goods for dentists for dental technicians leasing for orthodontics for implantologists...