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Karoliniškių poliklinikos psichikos sveikatos centras

L. Asanavičiūtės g. 27A (Karoliniškės), 04318 Vilnius
(+370) 52458417
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(+370) 52458417
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Sveikatos klinika, Karoliniškės
0.7 km | Apolinaro Juozo Povilaičio g. 18 (Karoliniškės), Vilnius
family doctors laboratory tests ultrasonic tests echoscopy tests urgent research disease prevention children's orthopaedist paediatric gastroenterologist dentists children's physicians paediatricians obstetricians gynaecologists prenatal care urologists endocrinologists orthopedists traumatologists...
Sveikatos klinika, Viršuliškės
1.8 km | Viršuliškių g. 34 (Viršuliškės), Vilnius
family doctors laboratory tests ultrasonic tests echoscopy tests urgent research disease prevention children's orthopaedist paediatric gastroenterologist dentists children's physicians paediatricians obstetricians gynaecologists prenatal care urologists endocrinologists orthopedists traumatologists...
Ąžuolyno klinika
2.2 km | Ąžuolyno g. 5A (Viršuliškės), Vilnius
mood disorders Depression depression treatment anxiety anxiety Disorders adjustment disorders addiction treatment dependance on alkohol addiction behavioral disorders detoxification anxiety treatment drug-related disorders adjustment disorders alcohol addiction treatment detoxification maintenance treatment...
Vaikų ir jaunimo klinika, UAB "Empatija"
2.7 km | M. K. Čiurlionio g. 82A-49 (Naujamiestis), Vilnius
pediatrician pediatrician pediatrician children's rehabilitation speech therapist physical therapist of children pediatric allergist family clinic family doctor private clinic specialist consultations physiatrist/physical medicine and rehabilitation physician individual physiotherapy paediatric gastroenterologist digestive disorders pediatric cardiologist...
Gilės, sveikatos centras, UAB
2.9 km | Nidos g. 4, Vilnius
private medical establishments family doctors dieticians psychiatrists neurologists physiotherapist massage vacuum massage Anti-cellulite massage beauty procedures honey massage blood tests laboratory tests medical studies instrumental studies clinical trials...
Aušros vartų ligoninė
3 km | Justiniškių g. 64-5 (Justiniškės), Vilnius
addiction treatment alcoholism narcotic addiction smoking detoxification sobering up treatment alcohol narcotics smoking grass HIV psychiatrist psychotherapist psychologist toxicologist...
Psichologė - mediatorė Elena Sokolovskaitė
3 km | Saltoniškių g. 12 (Žvėrynas), Vilnius
psychology psychologists services anxiety Depression attacks of panic personal growth eating disorders psychologists psychological support psychologist's consultation
Psichologė Ineta
3.6 km | Švitrigailos g. 7 (Naujamiestis), Vilnius
psychologists psychologist psychotherapy anxiety Depression divorce attacks of panic fear crisis trauma mourning stress fatigue psychosomatics self-knowledge
Upės teka, individualių ugdymosi poreikių centras
3.7 km | Vytenio g. 18, (3 ir 4 aukštas) (Naujamiestis), Vilnius
psychologists services health improvement paediatric psychologist/child psychologist dyslexia dysgraphia logotherapy speech therapist training illumination health medicine occupational therapy social assistance voice disorders speech therapist services
Pašilaičių šeimos medicinos centras, UAB
3.7 km | Žemynos g. 2 (Pašilaičiai), Vilnius
family doctors obstetricians-gynaecologists pregnant school optician paediatricians urologists ORL dentists neurologists urologists Allergists otorhinolaryngologists echoscopy prosthetic dentistry vaccination preventive examinations...
Senamiesčio psichiatrijos ir psichoterapijos centras, filialas, VšĮ
3.7 km | Krokuvos g. 60-95, Vilnius
Depression anxiety phobic disorders sleep disorders personality disorders adjustment disorders eating disorders alcohol-related disorders tobacco-related disorders drug-related disorders sexual disorders psychosomatic disorders post-traumatic stress disorders psychiatrist psychiatrists psychologist...
Sielos veidrodis, psichoterapijos centras
3.8 km | Naugarduko g. 68B (Naujamiestis), Vilnius
addiction treatment alcoholism treatment for alcohol abuse alcohol addiction treatment alcohol dependence sobering up coding of coding for alcoholism
4.1 km | Laisvės pr. 117-83 (Pašilaičiai), Vilnius
dependance on smoking dependance on alkohol addiction addiction to gambling coding of
Marius Šulčys, psichologas – emocijų terapeutas
4.1 km | Fabijoniškių g. 6 (Fabijoniškės), Vilnius
psychologists services psychological support anxiety Depression attacks of panic psychosomatic disorders sleep disorders meditation fear eating disorders
4.1 km | 01001 Vilnius
psychotherapy anxiety Disorders self-knowledge encounter group sleep disorders mood disorders anxiety panic psychotherapeutical care
I. Kelbauskienės šeimos klinika, VšĮ
4.1 km | Virbeliškių g. 3-132, Vilnius
dermatovenereologists dieticians physiotherapist family clinic clinics family doctor echoscopy gynaecology certificates preventive health examination pediatrician odontologist pulmonologist ORL cardiologist massage...