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Jagomantas, UAB

Jaunimo g. 18, 68250 Marijampolė
(+370) 34377828
Closes 18.00
31 years of activity
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(+370) 34377828
Irma Mulerenkienė
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Date of registration
5 employees (insured)
Average wage
1 584,56 € (2024 August) more information

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Rekomenduojame įmonę, kurios veikla gali būti panaši
R. Gegužienės odontologijos klinika, UAB
Varpo g. 9A, 76346 Šiauliai
 (+370) 61131455

Surrounding companies | Show on map

Indlora, MB
0.5 km | Sporto g. 2-49, Marijampolė
dentists prosthetic dentistry dental implants dental clinic odontologist dental prosthetics on hire purchase health insurance funds professional oral hygiene ZOOM teeth whitening treatment of periodontal diseases/periodontitis coating with dental sealants oral surgery ontological services odontological odontologist dental implants...
A. Kasparavičiaus IĮ, odontologijos kabinetas
0.5 km | Kauno g. 29, 2 a., Marijampolė
dentists dentistry filling plaque removal bleaching endodontic therapy oral hygiene braces plates prosthetics implantation STRAUMANN implants micro-implants metal-free ceramics professional oral hygiene teeth whitening...
Sveikatos klinika, Gydytojų Keršanskų klinika
0.6 km | V. Kudirkos g. 5, Marijampolė
family doctors laboratory tests ultrasonic tests echoscopy tests dentists children's physicians paediatricians obstetricians gynaecologists prenatal care urologists endocrinologists orthopedists traumatologists endoscope doctrs hemorrhoids treatment mamologist radiologists...
Kazakevičiaus implantologijos centras, UAB
0.8 km | A. Valaičio g. 7, Marijampolė
implants dental implants dental implantation dental implantation implantation oral surgery wisdom teeth removal wisdom teeth removal wisdom teeth oral surgeon prosthetic dentistry dentures dental plates dental bridges zirconia crowns metal-ceramic crowns...
Antėja UAB „Diagnostikos laboratorija“
1.9 km | Kosmonautų g. 14A, Marijampolė
laboratory of medicine blood tests medical consultations vaccination diagnostics medical consultation vaccination general blood test till offices thyroid hormone tests tumor markers/cancer markers B sex hormones allergy tests allergen tests tick-borne encephalitis...
Antėja UAB „Diagnostikos laboratorija“
22.5 km | J. Basanavičiaus g. 9, Vilkaviškis
laboratory of medicine blood tests medical consultations vaccination diagnostics medical consultation vaccination general blood test till offices thyroid hormone tests tumor markers/cancer markers B sex hormones allergy tests allergen tests tick-borne encephalitis...
Aridentus, IĮ
37.8 km | Vytauto g. 4-3, Lazdijai
prosthetic dentistry dental implantation dentistry aesthetic filling teeth whitening filling aesthetic filling prostheses plates manufacturing of prothesis teeth whitening dentures oral hygiene metal ceramic metal ceramic
Inrevila, odontologijos kabinetas, UAB
38.7 km | Vytauto g. 14, Prienai
odontologist dentist's services dentistry using modern equipment support of dentist treatment of periodontal diseases/periodontitis endodontics dentistry prosthetic dentistry drawing up of a treatment plan mouth space hygiene prosthetic dentistry Metal-free ceramic metal ceramic zirconia crowns laminates bridges...
Tikodenta, UAB
38.7 km | Laisvės a. 4, Prienai
dental filling dental clinic ontological services periodontal treatment having a toothache therapeutic dentistry dental clinic all dentistry services dentist dental radiography panoramic X-ray zirconia ceramics prostheses dentures bridge dental surgeon...
Birštono pirminės sveikatos priežiūros centras, VšĮ
43.2 km | Jaunimo g. 8, Birštonas
odontologist family doctor gynaecologist surgeon pediatrician services dentist's support treatment of periodontal diseases/periodontitis dentistry prosthetic dentistry Nursing dental services
Antėja UAB „Diagnostikos laboratorija“
46.5 km | Naujoji g. 48, Alytus
laboratory of medicine blood tests medical consultations vaccination diagnostics medical consultation vaccination general blood test till offices thyroid hormone tests tumor markers/cancer markers B sex hormones allergy tests allergen tests tick-borne encephalitis...
Sveiki ir balti, UAB
47.1 km | Varžupio g. 15, Akademija, Kauno r.
dentists in Kaunas emergency dental care dentists in Kaunas dental implantation cross-sectional implantation dental implants STRAUMANN implants oral surgery prosthetic dentistry dentures removable dentures zirconium crown bone accretion surgical treatment wisdom teeth removal tooth removal...
Laidente, UAB
48.1 km | V. Kudirkos g. 76B, Šakiai
dentures prosthetics implantation metal ceramic metal-free ceramics plates professional oral hygiene teeth whitening pads dentistry private clinics oral surgeon oral hygiene surgical odontology bridges metal ceramic...
Clinic DPC, UAB "SB dantų klinika"
48.1 km | Pulko g. 5, Alytus
dental implants dentistry teeth whitening dentists odontologist oral hygiene dentures prosthetic dentistry dental implantation oral surgeon aesthetic filling pediatric dentists children's dentistry dentist dentists orthodontist...
Albadenta, odontologijos klinika, UAB
48.2 km | Pulko g. 46, Alytus
dentists dental clinic dental implantation prosthetic dentistry oral hygiene teeth whitening teeth straightening kappa trays aesthetic dentistry aesthetic filling whitening kappa plaque removal scaling dental tartar removal application of fluoride...
Antėja UAB „Diagnostikos laboratorija“
48.2 km | S. Dariaus ir S. Girėno g. 3-2, Alytus
laboratory of medicine blood tests medical consultations vaccination diagnostics medical consultation vaccination general blood test till offices thyroid hormone tests tumor markers/cancer markers B sex hormones allergy tests allergen tests tick-borne encephalitis...