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Clinic Agatas, Klaipėdos filialas

Paryžiaus Komunos g. 2A, 91149 Klaipėda
(+370) 60226118
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Asta Mažeikaitė
Skausmo gydytoja, anesteziologė
Aida Kinderytė
Skausmo gydytoja, anesteziologė
Deividas Stukas
Rosita Burbaitė
Viktorija Preikšaitė
Akupunktūros specialistė

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Description of activities

Pain treatment and spinal surgery
Modern lifestyle strongly affects human health - sedentary work, too little physical activity, abnormal sitting positions, and improperly performed body movements during work or sports activity, extremely affects health in a negative way. Particularly suffers the back.

Chronic back pain is one of the most common ailments that affects up to 45% of the population every year.

Acute lower back pain treatment usually gives great results - most patients recover within weeks or months, pain is significantly reduced or completely disappear. However, the back pain tends to repeat, and in about 10% of cases, it becomes chronic.

Chronic pain is any pain that lasts for more than 3 months.

Such ailment affects the overall well-being, emotional state, and has a very negative effect on it. Discomfort caused by the pain becomes a major challenge not only for the suffering person but the people that surround him/her as well.

We advise seeking help from pain physician or neurosurgeon if:
You have been injured and as a consequence, you began to experience an acute and severe pain.

You experience persistent and growing back pain.

Due to a perceptible back pain you cannot stand for a long time.

Pain interrupts normal movement and performance of various tasks.

Pain spreads down to one or both legs.

You feel numbness in legs, feet, groin or in the area of the buttocks.

Suddenly you cannot control urination or bowel movement.

You experience relentless pain in your back.

Due to the back pain you cannot sleep well at night.

You have osteoporosis, an oncological illness and other chronic bone and support system diseases.

You experience anxiety due to unusual sensations in the back and waist areas, etc.

We understand the negative impact of pain on leading a full life. To keep your pain from becoming a constant companion to your daily activities, we invite you to consult our pain physicians, neurosurgeons and physiotherapists on the chronic and acute back pain, musculoskeletal pain, backbone and spinal cord diseases, backbone traumas and spinal cord injuries, backbone and spinal cord tumors. During the consultation, doctors will evaluate your condition and determine the most appropriate treatment. 
We provide these treatments:
Treatment with medications;
Invasive pain treatment:
Trigger point injections;
Epidural Steroid Injections;
Facet Joint Block;
Selective nerve root block;
Neurosurgical spine operations;
Physiotherapy and manual therapy.

If necessary, procedures are performed with guidance of diagnostic ultrasound 
or mobile X-ray with C arc devices.

We consult on the treatments of other body parts and oncologic pain as well.

We will gladly help you arrange arrival and accommodation. You can choose to stay at our comfortably arranged and well- equipped rooms at the clinic. Our entire staff is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality healthcare in a friendly, efficient manner.  


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