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Židinys, Sasnavos vaikų ir jaunimo gerovės centras, VšĮ

Žaliosios g. 2, Sasnava, 69479 Marijampolės sav.
(+370) 34328635
Closes 17.00
16 years of activity
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(+370) 34328635
Elena Senkuvienė
Company code
Date of registration
11 employees (insured)
Average wage
1 329,25 € (2024 August) more information

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Kazlų Rūdos slaugos ir socialinės globos namai, VšĮ
11.8 km | Maironio g. 40, Kazlų Rūda
Slauga jums, VšĮ
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Švč. Marijos globos namai, VšĮ
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premice care of elderly
Šilavoto globos namai, VšĮ
19.5 km | A. Radušio g. 6, Šilavotas, Prienų r.
Kauno hospiso namai, VšĮ
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Prienų globos namai
31.7 km | Panemunės g. 28, Prienai
long-term social care social care social services accommodation premice foster home for old people Nursing Home for elderly care of senior
Ne po vieną, VšĮ
37 km | Veiverių g. 134-209 (Aleksotas), Kaunas
Užuovėja, vaikų dienos centras
39.3 km | Šv. Gertrūdos g. 8A, Kaunas
Lietuvos samariečių bendrijos Kauno skyrius
39.3 km | Šv. Gertrūdos g. 8A, Kaunas
rent of nursing supplies social care domestic support care nursing at home
Saulės globos namai, VšĮ
41.1 km | Juodkrantės g. 10 (Vilijampolė), Kaunas
premice Nursing care maintenance care of senior Nursing Home for elderly, UAB "Toksa"
43.3 km | Statybininkų g. 7 (Eiguliai), Kaunas
Blood pressure monitors people with disabilities wheelchairs nursing measures wheelchair nursing measures nursing measures for nursing patient's hygiene Nursing physiotherapy thermometers lymph drainage massage for massage heaters orthopedics orthopaedic goods...
Pimonovų fondo globos namai, VšĮ
44.5 km | R. Kalantos g. 128, Kaunas
premice social services care institutions care of senior long-term care Nursing nursing care care of elderly Nursing Home for elderly care short-term care patient care retirement home professional nursing nursing services continous care...
Saulės globos namai Domeikavoje, VšĮ
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premice Nursing care maintenance care of senior Nursing Home for elderly
Eimanta, slaugos namai, VšĮ
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Perpetuus - gyvenimo namai
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