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Ž. Urbonavičienės šeimos gydymo centras

Darvino g. 28-1, Kybartai, 70438 Vilkaviškio r.
(+370) 34230599
Atsidarys rytoj 8.00
24 years of activity
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(+370) 34230599
Žilvina Urbonavičienė
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Date of registration
3 employees (insured)
Average wage
761,10 € (2022 August) more information

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Rekomenduojame įmonę, kurios veikla gali būti panaši
Vivus sanus klinika - ligoninė, UAB
Paliūniškio g. 2C, 35001 Panevėžys
 (+370) 45503646

Surrounding companies | Show on map

Antėja UAB „Diagnostikos laboratorija“
18.5 km | J. Basanavičiaus g. 9, Vilkaviškis
laboratory of medicine blood tests medical consultations vaccination diagnostics medical consultation vaccination general blood test till offices thyroid hormone tests tumor markers/cancer markers B sex hormones allergy tests allergen tests tick-borne encephalitis...
Antėja UAB „Diagnostikos laboratorija“
38.3 km | Kosmonautų g. 14A, Marijampolė
laboratory of medicine blood tests medical consultations vaccination diagnostics medical consultation vaccination general blood test till offices thyroid hormone tests tumor markers/cancer markers B sex hormones allergy tests allergen tests tick-borne encephalitis...
Akių ligų kabinetas, L. Misonienės IĮ
39.4 km | J. Basanavičiaus a. 5, Marijampolė
treatment of eyes choosing a pair of eyeglasses consultation of ophtalmologist eye doctor ophthalmologist
A. Pėstininkienės psichologinio konsultavimo kabinetas
39.4 km | Vytauto g. 26, 2 a., Marijampolė
psychological support psychologist paediatric psychologist/child psychologist family psychologist depression treatment anxiety treatment panic attacks psychological crisis self-knowledge psychology psychological support psychotherapist
Opera - klausos sprendimai, UAB
39.5 km | A. Valaičio g. 9, Marijampolė
hearing aids medical consultation ORL
Judi klinika, MB
39.5 km | A. Valaičio g. 9, Marijampolė
physiotherapy physiotherapist pain backache/back pain spinal hernia headache neck pain muscle tension joint pain stroke paralysis dizziness scars manual therapy exercises electrostimulation...
Motus vita, reabilitacijos klinika, Marijampolės filialas
39.5 km | A. Valaičio g. 9, Marijampolė
backache/back pain physiotherapy pain relief spinal pain scoliosis backache/back pain spinal pain headache faulty posture spinal hernia rehabilitation physiotherapy physical therapists remedial exercise electrotherapy osteochondrosis...
Dermamedika, odos ligų ir estetinės medicinos klinika, UAB
39.5 km | Vytauto g. 43, Marijampolė
Marijampolė Mesotherapy skin strain acid peelings biorevitalisation dermatoscopy hair loss treatment skin biopsy moles study moles removal wart removal removal of papillomas keratoses removal treatment for sweating nail fungus treatment aesthetic procedures...
Amber esthetic, lazerinės ir estetinės dermatologijos klinika, filialas, UAB
39.6 km | Kauno g. 47, Marijampolė
dermatologists dermatologist moles removal aesthetic medicine aesthetic medicine clinic cosmetologists Mesotherapy skin clinic skin treatment
Sveikatos klinika, Gydytojų Keršanskų klinika
39.6 km | V. Kudirkos g. 5, Marijampolė
family doctors laboratory tests ultrasonic tests echoscopy tests dentists children's physicians paediatricians obstetricians gynaecologists prenatal care urologists endocrinologists orthopedists traumatologists endoscope doctrs hemorrhoids treatment mamologist radiologists...
Kireilio klinika, UAB
39.7 km | Žemaitės g. 14, Marijampolė
stomach examination under general anesthesia thyroid ultrasonography ultrasound scan endoscope master echoscopy specialist cardiologist vascular surgeon cardiologists vascular surgeons ozone therapy medical ozone therapy oxygen Therapy pain treatment/pain medicine treatment of ingrown nails removal of calluses wart removal...
Lodeksa medical leeches, UAB
40.7 km | Liucinavo g. 9, Liucinavo k., Marijampolės sav.
medicinal leeches hirudotherapy/leech therapy cellulitis migraine headache endometriosis gynaecology chronic prostatitis hemorrhoids infertility psoriasis heart diseases vascular diseases varicose veins medical leeches medicinal leeches...
Antėja UAB „Diagnostikos laboratorija“
49.2 km | Dariaus ir Girėno g. 60, Jurbarkas
laboratory of medicine blood tests medical consultations vaccination diagnostics medical consultation vaccination general blood test till offices thyroid hormone tests tumor markers/cancer markers B sex hormones allergy tests allergen tests tick-borne encephalitis...
Sveiki ir balti, UAB
73.9 km | Varžupio g. 15, Akademija, Kauno r.
dentists in Kaunas emergency dental care dentists in Kaunas dental implantation cross-sectional implantation dental implants STRAUMANN implants oral surgery prosthetic dentistry dentures removable dentures zirconium crown bone accretion surgical treatment wisdom teeth removal tooth removal...
A. Pilypo klinika, MB
74.9 km | Respublikos g. 6, Tauragė
cardiology cabinet cardial and vascular diseases ultrasound cardioscopy Bicycle ergometry cardiology heart diseases diagnostics treatment electrocardiography/ECG research findings cardiac echoscopy cardiologist cardiologists cardiology clinics cardiology cardioechoscopy...
Antėja, UAB "Diagnostikos laboratorija"
75.1 km | Dariaus ir Girėno g. 28A, Tauragė
laboratory of medicine blood tests medical consultations vaccination diagnostics medical consultation vaccination general blood test till offices thyroid hormone tests tumor markers/cancer markers B sex hormones allergy tests allergen tests tick-borne encephalitis...